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Silent Night 3 Page 3
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She tiptoed along the hall and put her ear against Grace’s door.
The murmur grew louder.
Grace’s voice. Reva couldn’t make out the words, but the tone was clear.
Grace was terrified.
Reva felt a prickle of fear. She rapped her knuckles on the door. “Grace?” she called in a loud whisper. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
No answer. Just the sound of Grace’s frantic murmuring.
“Grace?” Reva made a fist and pounded against the thick, polished wood. “Grace? Is someone in there?”
Chapter 6
Grace pressed the phone against her ear. Her hand was slick with sweat. Her heartbeat sounded so loud to her that it almost drowned out the pounding on the door.
“Please, Rory!” Grace gasped into the phone. “Don’t you understand? You treated me like you owned me! That’s why things didn’t work out between us!”
“Grace!” Reva’s voice surprised Grace. She jumped, and the phone jerked out of her hand. She grabbed it. As she pressed it to her ear, she felt the blood drain from her face.
“No!” she muttered in a hoarse whisper. “Don’t come here! You can’t, Rory!” She bit her lip and ran her fingers through her wispy brown hair. “Leave me alone! Don’t come here!” she pleaded again. “No, don’t say that. Don’t threaten me like that, Rory!”
The door banged open. Grace slammed the phone down and whirled around as Reva strode into the room.
“Didn’t you hear me knocking?” Reva demanded, scowling at her. “What’s going on, Grace? You woke Michael up. He thought somebody was in here. He was ready to kill them!”
“I didn’t mean to wake him,” Grace whispered. Her heart was still pounding so hard it hurt. “I’m sorry, Reva.”
“It’s a little late for that,” Reva grumbled. “What’s going on? Who were you talking to?”
Grace sank down on the bed. “Rory.”
Reva’s scowl deepened.
“I’m so scared, Reva!” Grace cried. “He’s furious! And he threatened to come here!”
“To Shadyside?” Reva asked. “To my house?”
Grace nodded. She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around her knees, shivering. “He said nothing could keep him from me. He said I’d pay for what I did to him.”
Grace shivered again. The house was warm, but she couldn’t stop shaking. Her eyes filled with tears and she bent her head against her knees. “I’m so scared, Reva, I don’t know what to do! What if he does come here?”
“Let him,” Reva told her.
Grace raised her head. “You can’t mean that!”
“Oh, yes I do.” Reva smiled grimly. “Come on. Let’s go down to the kitchen and make some tea or something.”
Grace didn’t really want any tea. She didn’t want to do anything but fly far away to some place where it was safe.
But no place was far enough.
No place was safe.
“Come on,” Reva repeated impatiently. “I’m wide awake now, and you look like you just checked out of an institution.”
Grace stood up and pulled on her bathrobe. As she did, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Reva was right. Her face was pale, and dark circles ringed her eyes.
I look awful. Skinny and pale and terrified. Maybe some tea will at least warm me, maybe make me stop shaking.
Still nervous, Grace followed Reva along the dim hallway and down the sweeping staircase to the main floor.
“I’m starving,” Reva announced as they passed through the pantry and into the huge kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and stared inside. “Good. The cook made some pies for one of the parties. Apple and pumpkin and cherry. Which kind do you like?”
“Well—cherry,” Grace said. “But if they’re for a party, maybe we shouldn’t eat any now.”
“Who cares?” Reva shrugged and pulled out a pie. “The cook can always make more. That’s her job.”
While Reva boiled water in a copper kettle, Grace cut two slices of pie at the big marble-topped island in the center of the gleaming kitchen. Reva plunked down two steaming mugs and the two of them sat on high wooden stools, waiting for the tea to cool.
Grace took a bite of pie, then wrapped her hands around her mug. She still felt cold. “How can you be so calm?” she asked.
Reva gazed at her over the rim of her mug. “Why shouldn’t I be calm?”
“Because of Rory!” Grace cried. “I mean, maybe you don’t realize how dangerous he is, but I do! He beat me up, remember? What if he comes here?”
“As I said, let him.” Reva sipped some tea. “You’re safe here, Grace.”
Grace shook her head. “I wish I could believe you. But you don’t know Rory.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Reva told her. “Listen, I told you about being kidnapped last year, right?”
“Yes, but what does that have to do with Rory?”
“Well, as soon as it was over, my father beefed up the security around here,” Reva explained. “Not only does this house have the best alarm system in the world, we now have three guard dogs on the grounds. Plus,” she added, “Daddy hired two full-time security guards.”
Grace shuddered. “You make it sound like a prison.”
Reva frowned. “Thanks a lot.”
“I didn’t mean it that way!” Grace felt herself blushing. She was always saying things wrong. “It’s a beautiful house, really. And I’m so grateful to be here. I guess I’m just upset, because of the phone call.”
“Yeah, well, you can stop being upset. If Rory tries to get in here, the guard will stop him.” Reva laughed. “And if the guard doesn’t, the dogs will. Take my word for it, they’re trained to go for the throat.”
The throat. Grace shuddered again.
“So forget about Rory, okay?” Reva said. “And stop flinching at every little noise. It’s not exactly fun.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” Grace lifted her mug. Her hands shook and the tea slopped out over the rim.
“What’s the matter now?” Reva asked, sounding irritated. “How many times do I have to tell you that he can’t get in here?”
“I want to believe you,” Grace told her. “But you didn’t hear Rory on the phone just now. He was wild, Reva! And when he’s like that, nothing can stop him. Not dogs or guards or alarms or anything.”
She mopped up the tea with a napkin. “And he said . . . he said when he got here, he was going to finish what he started with me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He was talking about when he beat me up.” Grace swallowed. “He—he meant this time he’s going to kill me!”
Before Reva could respond, someone knocked at the kitchen door. Reva jumped.
Grace jumped, too, knocking her mug over. Dark tea spread across the marble and dribbled onto the floor.
Another knock, louder this time.
Grace wanted to run, but she couldn’t move. She sat frozen in terror, her eyes on the door. “It’s . . . it’s him! He did come.”
A third knock. A fourth.
“It’s Rory!” Grace cried.
Chapter 7
Reva shivered at Grace’s words.
Could Rory really be on the other side of that door?
Daddy spent zillions to protect this place. Rory couldn’t possibly have gotten inside the grounds. And if he did, wouldn’t the dogs be barking?
Another knock.
Enough. Reva slid from the stool.
Grace grabbed her wrist. “You’re not going to open it are you?”
Reva stared at her. Her roommate’s eyes were wide with fright, and her teeth chattered.
She looks like a scared rabbit, Reva thought. “Get a grip, Grace. If Rory came to kill you, would he really knock on the door?”
Prying Grace’s icy fingers from her arm, Reva walked hesitantly to the door. She turned the lock, but left the security chain on. No sense being
totally stupid, she thought.
She pulled the door open a crack.
Behind her, Grace gasped loudly as a man’s face rose into view.
Reva almost laughed. “Relax. It’s one of the security guards.”
The guard, a red-faced man in a dark blue uniform, nodded at Reva. “Sorry to disturb you, Miss.”
Reva frowned at him. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
The guard nodded again. “Sorry,” he repeated. “Something came up. I saw the lights on in here and thought I should check with you.”
Reva sighed. “Okay. What is it?”
“About ten minutes ago, a young man drove up.”
Grace gasped again. “It’s Rory. Shut the door, Reva! Quick!”
The guard gave her a curious glance, then turned to Reva again. “He says he knows you, Miss,” he told her. “He’s very insistent about seeing you.”
“Reva! Shut the door!” Grace insisted.
Reva rolled her eyes. Grace was really losing it. “Who is this guy?” she asked the guard.
Before he could answer, a tall, sandy-haired boy poked his head around the guard’s arm. “Hi, Reva.”
Reva stared at him. Daniel Powell. She’d dated him a few times at Smith. Nice enough, but not exactly a thrill a minute.
“Surprised you, didn’t I?” Daniel asked with a grin. “I hopped in my car and didn’t stop driving until I got here a few minutes ago. Glad to see me?”
Reva kept staring.
Daniel laughed. “You really are surprised, aren’t you? Listen—good news. I’m staying with a friend here in Shadyside for the entire vacation. We’ll be able to see a lot of each other.”
The guard cleared his throat. “As I said, Miss, I wanted to check with you before I called the police, since this young man says you know each other.” He peered at Reva. “Do you know him? Is it okay to let him in?”
Reva shook her head. “I’ve never seen him before in my life.”
“Huh?” Daniel’s voice shot up to a screech. “Hey, Reva, come on. You’re joking, right?”
“Wrong.” Reva glanced at the guard. “Take him away,” she ordered coolly.
“Yes, ma’am!” The guard clamped a big hand around Daniel’s arm. “Come on, kid. You heard her.”
“No, wait!” Daniel protested. “She’s joking. She has to be. We know each other at college.”
“Tell it to the police,” the guard said, dragging Daniel away.
“Reva, tell him!” Daniel pleaded over his shoulder. “Reva! Come on! Give me a break!”
Reva shut the door and locked it. Then she burst out laughing.
“Reva!” Grace stared at her in shock. “Why did you do that to Daniel?”
“Just for the look on his face!” Reva shook her head, gasping with laughter. “It was worth it for that. Did you see him? He came here for a surprise—and he got one!”
“But he drove through the night just to see you!” Grace reminded her.
Reva shrugged. “So? He saw me! Lighten up, Grace. It was funny!” Reva burst out laughing again.
A loud pounding interrupted her.
Startled, she spun around.
The door rattled violently as someone pounded against it.
Chapter 8
“It’s Rory! This time I know it is!” Grace cried. “He must have been hiding in the bushes or something!”
Reva ignored her and strode to the door.
Grace clamped her hands over her mouth.
Reva pulled the door open.
The security guard stood outside.
Reva scowled at him. “What now?”
He shook his head. “I just wanted to let you know that I turned the young man over to my partner, who’s calling the police. You won’t be bothered by him again.” The guard shifted a little nervously. “I apologize for letting him get to the door like that.”
He’s afraid I’ll tell Daddy and get him fired, Reva thought. That might be fun. But maybe I’ll save it for another time.
“Don’t let it happen again,” she told the guard, giving him an icy stare.
“No, Miss. You can count on it.” Looking relieved, the guard hurried away.
Reva shut the door again and locked it. Then she yawned. “It’s way too early to be up,” she grumbled. “I’m going back to bed.”
“I guess I will, too,” Grace said. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep, though.” She started to mop up the spilled tea with her napkin.
“Leave that for the maid,” Reva told her impatiently. “And why shouldn’t you be able to sleep? Rory didn’t come, so you don’t have anything to worry about.”
“Not tonight, maybe,” Grace admitted. She glanced at the door with a worried expression. “But I know Rory—he said he was coming and he will.”
“As I said—let him!” Annoyed, Reva snapped off the light and swept out of the kitchen. Inviting Grace had definitely been a big mistake. If I wanted a soap opera, she thought, I’d turn on the TV!
• • •
Driving home from the tennis club the next afternoon, Reva watched Grace and scowled. Grace huddled in the passenger seat, tense and wary.
Like a scared rabbit, Reva thought again, rolling her eyes. Or a mouse. Now that I think about it, she really is mousey, with that boring brown hair and those twitchy eyes.
“I’m sorry I lost the match for us,” Grace murmured, catching Reva’s annoyed glance.
“So am I,” Reva told her bluntly. “I kept thinking maybe you had a hole in your racket.”
“I’m sorry,” Grace repeated. “But I couldn’t help it. Not with Rory watching me like that!”
“And you’re sure it was him?”
“I’m almost positive. He came in at the beginning of the last game, and he stood way in the back, in the shadows.”
Reva raised her eyebrows skeptically. “Well, if he was in the shadows, how can you be so sure it was Rory?”
“Because the minute I noticed him, I felt this horrible chill,” Grace replied, nervously chewing on a fingernail.
And you hit the ball into the next court like a total klutz, Reva thought.
“He didn’t take his eyes off me for the whole time,” Grace continued. “I could practically feel the hate coming from him! I wanted to run, but I could hardly move!”
No kidding, Reva thought. Grace had stood there like a block of wood, letting almost every ball get by her. And the guy—who was gone when Grace finally mentioned what was bothering her—probably hadn’t been Rory at all.
Reva sighed. She’d been looking forward to this vacation so much, and now she was stuck with a total paranoid nut. She slipped a cassette into the player. She knew Grace wanted to talk more. So she turned the volume way up. Who needed Grace jabbering at her endlessly about Rory?
As Reva pulled her red Mazda Miata into the curved drive in front of her house, the music ended.
Almost immediately, Grace gasped loudly. “Look at that car!”
Reva eyed the beat-up VW parked in the drive and sniffed in distaste. “Why doesn’t the maid tell these delivery people to drive around back?” she complained.
“Don’t stop!” Grace cried, as Reva braked behind the ugly heap of junk. “We have to get out of here. Rory might have rented that car. He could be inside the house right now, waiting for me!”
In spite of herself, Reva glanced nervously at the tall front windows of the house. Could Rory really be inside, holding everyone hostage or something?
Then she noticed her father standing at the window of his upstairs office and waving to her. Even from down here, she could see his smile.
“Get a grip,” she told Grace. “See Daddy up there? He wouldn’t be smiling and waving like that if anything was wrong.”
“I . . . I guess not.” Grace climbed slowly out of the car and followed Reva up the steps and through the front door.
As Reva dropped her tennis racket in the front hall, the maid entered from the living r
oom. “Oh, Miss, you’re home,” she said, bending to pick up the racket. “Your visitors will be glad. They’ve been waiting quite a while.” She waved the racket toward the living room and hurried off before Reva could ask who the visitors were.
Reva hadn’t been expecting anyone. She hoped it was someone fun, preferably a guy. Fluffing her red hair with her fingers, she strode toward the living room, with Grace following nervously behind.
In the arched doorway, Reva stopped and frowned in disappointment.
Her cousin Pam sat on the couch, paging through a magazine.
Reva forced a smile. “Pam! Hi!”
Pam slapped the magazine onto the coffee table and stood up. “Hi, Reva.” She gestured toward a girl sitting in one of the high-backed wing chairs. “This is my friend from work, Willow Sorenson.”
Reva faked a smile. Where did Pam find her? she wondered. That red glass nose-stud looked like a scab. And what did she use on her hair—rust remover?
Reva introduced Grace, then turned back to Pam. “You look great!” she gushed insincerely. Ha. Pam wore her usual torn jeans and sweatshirt. If she had any class, she’d do something with herself, Reva thought.
“Thanks, Reva. So do you.”
“Now tell me all about your job,” Reva demanded. “No, wait—don’t. If I hear how exciting it is, I’ll die of jealousy.”
Willow snorted.
“It’s not that exciting,” Pam said, twisting her ponytail around her finger. “It’s really kind of boring.”
“I don’t believe it,” Reva declared. Actually, she did believe it. She’d go nuts working in a dump like Acme Insurance. But that’s what happened when you didn’t have any money. “Talk about boring—you should try going to Smith.”
“Maybe we should trade places,” Pam suggested.
Dream on. “I’d do it in a second.” Reva sighed. “But Daddy wouldn’t let me.” Thank goodness, she added to herself.
Pam shrugged. “Well, anyway, Willow and I were a little surprised when you weren’t here yesterday.”
“Yesterday? Oh, that’s right. You were coming over,” Reva said. “The minute I hung up, I remembered that I had some errands to run before dinner.”